Transitional HousingTransitional Housing Projects under Construction

Transitional Housing Project at Lau Fau Shan, Yuen Long

Location and Environment


Project NameLau Fau Shan, Yuen Long
Operating OrganisationTung Wah Group of Hospitals
LocationVarious Lots in Demarcation District No. 128
No. of Units and HouseholdsEstimated at about 1,233 units and approximately 2,832 residents
Project Data
  • Newly-built project
  • Preliminary plan includes construction of about 3 nos. four-storey to five-storey buildings
Provisions Each unit will be equipped with an individual bathroom with toilet, as well as a cooking area for use of electric stoves.
Funding Scheme Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations
(A grant of $678.15 million has been approved.)
Date of Commencement of Works November 2023
Estimated Date of Completion Q1 2025
Operation Period About 5 years


1. The operating organisation may from time to time update or change the information of the project, including the eligibility criteria for application, rent level and related services. For latest information of the project, please visit the project website or contact the operating organisation.

2. All map coordinates are indicative only and do not reflect the exact locations.

3. The projects are at different development stages, namely:
(i) local consultation has commenced with the project details to be confirmed;
(ii) procurement process for the consultancy team has commenced; and
(iii)procurement process for the works contract has commenced.
