Transitional HousingCompleted Transitional Housing Projects

Transitional Housing Project at Community Home for All, Electric Road, Tin Hau

Location and Environment


Project NameCommunity Home for All
Operating OrganisationSociety for Community Organization Limited
No. of Units5 units
Date of Intake From September 2019
Description of Project

The project supports three-person to five-person ethnic minority (EM) families with low income and urgent or special rehousing needs but receive no support from transitional services. Targeted counselling services are provided based on a case-by-case study of the situation of individual families. Diversified activities are organised to promote mutual-help and establish a social network among tenants. Activities are also organised in collaboration with other social communities to provide tenants with various learning opportunities to enhance their skills, develop their potentials to be self-reliant and enrich their ability to live in the community. Furthermore, the project helps tenants develop a mutual-help culture and a saving habit. With the objective of promoting cultural exchange, tenants are encouraged to participate in different activities together with local tenants in other social housing projects.

Details of Units
  • The first social housing project for EM families in Hong Kong
  • Monthly rent: equivalent to 25% of the total household income or the rent allowance under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme
  • Tenancy period: around 3 years tentatively for each household; fixed-term tenancy for the first year
  • Unit facilities: basic provisions (e.g. air-conditioners, ventilations fans) and individual kitchen and toilet
Eligibility Criteria
  • EM families with two to five members
  • Those who have waited for public rental housing for 3 years or above
  • Those with urgent housing needs
  • Those who are inadequately housed, e.g. living in subdivided units, cubicle apartments, rooftop structures etc.
  • Priority will be given to families referred by social workers


1. The operating organisation may from time to time update or change the information of the project, including the eligibility criteria for application, rent level and related services. For latest information of the project, please visit the project website or contact the operating organisation.

2. All map coordinates are indicative only and do not reflect the exact locations.
