Transitional HousingCompleted Transitional Housing Projects

Transitional Housing Project at "Tenacity Residence" at Ying Wa Street, Cheung Sha Wan

Location and Environment

As one of the batches of transitional housing projects adopting the Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method, Ying Wa Street project will provide two housing blocks of four storeys upon completion. MiC method shortens construction time and reduces the number of on-site workers. At the construction stage, the contractor will also introduce a number of robotics technologies so as to enhance the precision and safety of the works.


Project Name"Tenacity Residence" at Ying Wa Street, Cheung Sha Wan
Operating OrganisationSociety for Community Organization Limited
LocationYing Wa Street, Cheung Sha Wan
No. of Units and Households140 units and approximately 400 residents
Project Data
  • Newly-built project
  • 2 nos. four-storey buildings (G/F-3/F)
  • 103 nos. 1-2 person units
  • 31 nos. 4-5 person units
  • 4 nos. 5-6 person units
  • 2 nos. barrier-free units
Provisions Each unit will be equipped with a bathroom with toilet and a cooking area.
Funding Scheme Community Care Fund
(A grant of $77.06 million has been approved.)
Date of Commencement of Works February 2021
Date of Completion January 2022
Date of Intake From January to February 2022
Operation Period About 5 years
Contact Information
  • Tel:2713 9165
  • Headquarters Address: 3/F, 52 Princess Margaret Road, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon

Important Moments

Pre-construction Preparation

Pre-construction Preparation

Pre-construction Preparation

Pre-construction Preparation

Pre-construction Preparation

March 2021 Works Commencement Ceremony

Works Commencement Ceremony

Works Commencement Ceremony

Works Commencement Ceremony

Works Commencement Ceremony

Works Commencement Ceremony

Works Commencement Ceremony

Works Commencement Ceremony

Works Commencement Ceremony

October 2021 Commencement of MiC Modules Installation

Commencement of MiC Modules Installation

Commencement of MiC Modules Installation

November 2021 Completion of Superstructure Works

Completion of Superstructure Works

January 2022 Obtainment of Occupation Permit and Completion of Works

Obtainment of Occupation Permit and Completion of Works

3 May 2022 Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony officiated by Chief Executive Carrie Lam

Opening Ceremony officiated by Chief Executive Carrie Lam


1. The operating organisation may from time to time update or change the information of the project, including the eligibility criteria for application, rent level and related services. For latest information of the project, please visit the project website or contact the operating organisation.

2. All map coordinates are indicative only and do not reflect the exact locations.

3. According to the Outline Zoning Plan (OZP), the site is not zoned for “residential” use. Residential development at the site is prohibited unless permitted under the relevant statutory plan or covered by a planning permission granted by the Town Planning Board (TPB). At its meeting on 26 November 2018, TPB agreed that transitional housing for a period of five years or less and co-ordinated by the Task Force under the Transport and Housing Bureau in permanent buildings in the urban and new town areas can be regarded as for temporary use, which is always permitted under the OZP and for which planning permission is not required.
