Our Services

Building works

The Independent Checking Unit exercises building control to properties developed by the Hong Kong Housing Authority including new development works, alterations and additions works, minor works and site monitoring.

Inspection and Enforcement

Owners are responsible for repairing their properties with respect to the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) and Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS). When building defects, such as spalling of concrete or defective drains are noted, owners should carry out timely and proper repair and maintenance works to keep the building in good condition. Unauthorized building works should not be erected on buildings.

Electronic Services

Building records can be accessed through the Housing Electronic Building Records Online System (HeBROS) and submissions of plans under administrative building control can be made through the Housing Electronic Plan Submission System (HePlan).

Other Services

We advise licensing authorities on the suitability of premises for their uses in various licences from the building safety point of view.

We also maintain a 24-hour emergency service for dangerous buildings which are subject to the Buildings Ordinance (BO). For buildings which are not subject to the BO, the emergency service will be provided by the corresponding regional offices of the Housing Department. For enquiries on emergency services in the relevant buildings, please call 1823.