Public Housing Production Forecast

Public Housing Production Forecast of Housing Authority and Hong Kong Housing Society from 2024/25 to 2028/29 (Note 1)

According to the forecast as at June 2024, the estimated total public housing production by the Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society in the five-year period from 2024/25 to 2028/29 is about 146 800 flats, comprising about 96 300 public rental housing/Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (PRH/GSH) flats and about 50 500 other subsidised sale flats (SSFs). As compared to the estimate under the Long Term Housing Strategy Annual Progress Report 2023 (i.e. the forecast as at September 2023), the overall five-year production from 2024/25 to 2028/29 was increased by about 5 000 flats, mainly benefited from design refinement or approved relaxation of development restrictions of individual projects, etc. As compared to the last quarter (i.e. the forecast as at March 2024), the overall five-year production remains unchanged. Relevant information of public housing projects to be completed in 2024/25 to 2028/29 is at Attachment 1.

The yearly public housing production is mainly determined by the land supply each year from the Government for public housing development as well as the progress of individual projects, and cannot be assumed as the average of the total five-year production. The actual completion of individual projects may be affected by factors such as site constraints, inclement weather, progress of contractors, labour and materials supply of the construction industry, external factors and the need to comply with the latest buildings requirements, etc. The yearly housing production is therefore subject to adjustments accordingly. We will continue monitoring the progress of projects to facilitate timely completion.

Public Housing Production Forecast of Housing Authority and Hong Kong Housing Society from 2024/25 to 2028/29(Note 1)

Year (Note 2) Housing Authority Hong Kong Housing Society Total
Public Rental Housing / Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (Note 3) Other Subsidised Sale Flats Rental Units (Note 4) Subsidised Sale Flats
2024/25 18 000 11 300 1 700 1 400 32 500
2025/26 15 500 8 200 1 800 2 700 28 300
2026/27 15 500 3 200 - 3 700 22 400
2027/28 18 600 9 800 2 900 2 800 34 100
2028/29 21 600 7 200 700 - 29 500
Total 89 200 39 800 7 100 10 700 146 800

Note 1:Figures are based on the forecast as at June 2024 which are rounded to the nearest hundred and thus may not add up to the total due to rounding. Figures are subject to changes of the programme.

Note 2:The financial year starts on 1 April of a year and ends on 31 March of the following year. Therefore, when some projects encounter slight delay in completion (especially those with target completion dates in March), the completion dates will be brought forward to the next financial year.

Note 3:Figures refer to the estimated number of new units to be completed by the Housing Authority in each financial year. In addition to new units, units recovered from existing estates are also major source of units for allocation to PRH applicants.

Note 4:Include units developed by the Hong Kong Housing Society under the Senior Citizen Residences Scheme.

Sites for Public Housing Development Estimated to be Completed from 2029/30 to 2033/34 (Excerpted from the webpage of Development Bureau)

Please refer to Attachment 2 or Development Bureau’s webpage.

Useful Links

Hong Kong Housing Authority (Public Housing Production Forecast)

Hong Kong Housing Society (Flat Production Programme)