Assessment Committee

Assessment Committee for the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations

Membership (Appointed from 15 June 2023 to 14 June 2026)


Under Secretary for Housing

Non-official Members

Ir HO Chi-shing (Representative of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)

Ar Irene IP Man-kiu (Representative of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects)

Sr Raymond KAM Ka-fai (Representative of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors)

Professor Rebecca CHIU Lai-har

Ms Tennessy HUI Mei-sheung

Ms Joey LEE Hau-yee

Official Members

Director of Housing (or representative)

Director of Social Welfare (or representative)

Terms of Reference

(i) To consider applications for funding under the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-Government Organisations (Funding Scheme);
(ii) To decide the level of funding for applications recommended for approval;
(iii) To monitor the implementation of approved projects with the support of the Task Force on Transitional Housing; and
(iv) To advise and review assessment criteria for the Funding Scheme in the light of experience gained and changing circumstances for implementation of transitional housing projects.

Register of Members' Interests

